Dong of Hearts, a riveting game that mirrors the tumultuous journey of love and lust, is a tale of an average man's quest to reclaim his dream girl from his friend, all while battling a destructive black mass threatening humanity. The narrative begins with the protagonist's dream girl, Kari, a fiery redhead, being kidnapped during a date with his friend, Ryu. The protagonist's journey takes a wild turn when he encounters a demon with fluorescent nipples in a cave, which leaves him with the 'dong of hearts'. The protagonist, a laid-back man with a humorous appearance, is tasked with saving his town swallowed by the black mass and rescuing Kari. Along the way, he meets Gigi, a sassy brunette who aids him in his quest. The game is filled with other intriguing characters, including a warrior resembling a famous cartoon dog and a man duck, adding to the game's eccentric charm.Despite the game's slow start and lengthy intro, the engaging storyline, stunning graphics, and easy-to-understand gameplay make it worth the wait. The game offers a variety of hot scenes, including a shower scene featuring Kari and a cave scene with a sultry dark creature. The game also includes a 'Passionate Fruit' item that can make anyone fall in love with the player.In conclusion, Dong of Hearts offers a unique blend of role-playing elements, captivating characters, and enticing scenes. The game's creators have gone the extra mile to develop well-rounded characters, making the game a satisfying experience for both gamers and those seeking a bit of adult fun.