Clips4Sale, a platform that has been around since 2001, is a haven for independent pornographers, fetishists, models, and kinksters to sell their own videos. With a monthly visitor count of about 13 million, it's a bustling marketplace for all things kinky. The site's business model is similar to OnlyFans, with the key difference being that Clips4Sale vendors sell individual clips. The platform is known for its deep-niche fetishes, kinks, and perversions, offering a variety of categories that cater to the most unusual sexual fetishes. From BDSM, foot play, cosplay, ASMR, to more obscure categories like BBW Smoking, Clothes Destruction/Burning, Financial Domination, and Seat Belt Fetish, Clips4Sale has it all. The site is constantly updated with new clips from its nearly 3,000 clip stores, each with its own styles, fetishes, and models. Despite its vast offerings, the platform's pricing can be a bit steep, with clips typically costing about a dollar per minute. However, for those with deep-niche fetishes that aren't catered to by bigger porn sites, Clips4Sale is an easy recommendation. Its appeal lies in its homebrew models selling homemade clips, its easy-to-navigate interface, and its extensive catalog of dirty movies catering to a wide range of fetishes.