Nintendo Christmas, a game idea by Tek, is a unique blend of beloved Japanese console characters and adult themes. The game begins with a Christmas celebration featuring Zelda, Peach, Samus, and Rosalina. The plot takes an unexpected turn when Peach decides to try some mushrooms, leading to a series of bizarre transformations. The gameplay is simple yet engaging. Players can navigate between the characters using their mouse, and by pressing the V button, they can make the characters' attributes bounce. The H button unlocks the horizontal feature, requiring players to move their mouse from left to right. However, this might be challenging for those using a trackpad or a less responsive mouse. The game has its flaws, such as the zoomed-in view of the characters, forcing players to navigate left and right. The characters, particularly Rosalina and Peach, also look strikingly similar, making it hard to differentiate between them. Despite these issues, the game's short and straightforward storyline makes it easy to get into the action. In conclusion, Nintendo Christmas is a fun, adult-themed game featuring popular Nintendo characters. It's a festive gift for those who enjoy adult parody characters. The game also features a surprise appearance from Father Christmas, adding to the festive spirit. So, if you're looking for a unique adult animation game, Nintendo Christmas is worth a try.