Immersing into the world of Kitty Hentai, we find ourselves captivated by the adorable black-haired protagonist. This game, while simple, offers a unique experience that may not be for everyone, but certainly has its charm. Kitty Hentai is a short game, offering limited options but a straightforward goal. The player is presented with a cute catgirl, lying on her back, ready for interaction. The player can choose between three options: rub, vaginal, and anal, and can switch between them at will. The pace of the game is controlled by the movement of the mouse, creating a more immersive experience. Despite its simplicity, the game offers a visually pleasing experience, especially for those who enjoy the sight of girls with cat ears. However, it lacks depth and complexity, making it more suitable for those seeking a quick, straightforward experience rather than a substantial gaming journey. The design of the game is commendable, with the catgirl's reactions and the overall aesthetics being well-executed. In conclusion, Kitty Hentai is a simple, straightforward game that may not offer much in terms of gameplay depth, but it does provide a unique, visually pleasing experience for those who enjoy this particular niche.