LobsterTube, a video porn aggregator, is a unique platform that collects and links porno videos from across the internet, making it easy to browse multiple porn sites at once. The site is designed to be user-friendly, with no ads and clear indications of where each video is hosted, ensuring users are not sent to sites with popups and potential viruses. The content is diverse and plentiful, with videos from popular sites like Redtube, Xhamster, and KeezMovies. The site also offers a wide range of categories, from the mainstream to the niche, ensuring there's something for everyone. The mobile layout is as efficient as the desktop version, with a search bar and categories for easy navigation. However, LobsterTube does not host any content itself, instead, it redirects users to the host websites. Despite this, the site's performance is commendable, with a clean, lag-free interface. The site could benefit from an update to its layout and logo, and the implementation of a community and rating system. Despite these minor drawbacks, LobsterTube remains a great option for those seeking new videos without the hassle of browsing multiple sites.