Welcome to the world of adult cartoon parodies, a realm that Palcomix.com has been ruling since 2004. This platform, with over a million monthly visits, is the self-proclaimed 'Home of the Adult Cartoon Comic Parody.' However, the site's age is evident in its dated design, making navigation a challenge. The first thing you encounter is a flashy advertisement for Peitro's club, a service that seems to offer personalized gifts and content for the forum. As you delve deeper, you'll find artist promotions and finally, the content. The site offers over 100 free comics, with a premium account option called Palcomix VIP that provides access to the HentaiKey network and the ability to contribute content. The comics are listed A-Z, detailing the parody, title, author, and content type. Once you click on a comic, you're taken to an ad, but you can bypass it to view the comic. The site also features a forum, 3D modeling page, Patreon, and store. However, the layout changes can be confusing, and some features are broken. The mobile site is not user-friendly, requiring significant zooming for use. Despite its shortcomings, Palcomix.com offers a unique collection of adult cartoon parodies, making it worth a visit for enthusiasts of the genre.