Futa Sentai Squad, a 3D animated futanari series from Adult Time, is a unique offering in the world of adult content. The site, despite its redundant title, offers a polished and professional experience for its users. The content is not your typical adult animation, focusing on girls with big appendages engaging in a variety of explicit activities. The site is part of the Adult Time network, which boasts over 55,000 videos and daily updates. The Futa Sentai Squad series, set in a futuristic science-fiction setting, is a niche within a niche, appealing to fans of both futanari and action anime. However, the series currently only has four episodes, with new ones being rare. Despite this, the membership includes access to other Adult Time futanari cartoons and a vast collection of live-action trans videos. The standard monthly rate is $20, with discounts available. The site does have some downsides, such as the lack of free previews and downloads not being included in the basic plan. However, the quality and uniqueness of the content, along with the extensive Adult Time catalog, make it a worthwhile investment for enthusiasts of the genre.